Wednesday, May 18, 2011

We're Halfway There!

It was doubly confirmed at our 20 week appointment - We're having a baby girl.

I'm sure my baby girl's really going to appreciate me posting that pic, but I think it's too cute!  I've been told there's not a chance it's a boy now, so we're no longer holding back.  Bring on the pink!  Here's a picture of our baby girl saying "hi" to us:

According to The Bump, she's the size of a cantelope and weighs about half a pound. Growing, growing!

Speaking of growing, Harlan has decided to continue to grow his beard until the baby's born.  He says it's his way of empathizing with me as I spend some of the third trimester in the hot summer months.  Here's his progress so far:

Do you think a red-headed baby girl is in our future?  I think it's a pretty good possibility...
We've made a lot of progress on the nursery and are pretty excited about the results.  We were waiting to put all the pink birds on the wall until we knew for sure we were have a girl, so it's not quite finished yet.  What do you think?

We're currently storing all of her gifts in her crib until I make room for all her cute things somewhere else. 

Infertility from a Guy's Point of View

I read a great article on CNN called Husband: What to Expect When You're Not Expecting.  While I don't agree with the video entirely (I'll gladly give you my opinion, just ask me), I really appreciate seeing men open up about their experiences on the infertility journey.  It's so hard for both men and women for different reasons, and I hope this article is just one of many that will continue to shed light on the subject.  


I have a bunch of very ripe bananas I need to do something with, but I'm really fighting against making banana bread or muffins.  Boring.  I'm still searching for recipes, but here are a few I'm thinking about:

My Baking Addiction - Banana Bars

Baking Bites - Browned Butter Banana Bundt Cake - Say that 5 times fast!

Belly pic coming soon!


  1. love the room! and the labia picture! it's so clear!

  2. Love the baby girl Picts, Harlan's beard AND the nursery!!!

  3. Just beautiful - the room! And I'm having visions of a little red-headed girl! So excited and thankful to God for this precious gift of life!

  4. Love the ultrasound pics and the nursery theme. Cute!

  5. Can't wait for the red, curly hair and blue eyes! Beautiful
