Thursday, December 22, 2011
Friday, December 2, 2011
Realigning Expectations - One Mom's View on Breastfeeding
Below is my personal story on breastfeeding (It's long - sorry!). If this subject doesn't interest you, feel free to skip this post. However, I do hope it's helpful for others who held the same expectations I did...
When my sweet Harper Grayce was born now 2 months ago, she was a lot smaller than we expected. The first few days in the hospital, she was very sleepy, so trying to get her to breastfeed was very challenging. The nurses assured me that all babies were sleepy after birth, and as soon as my milk came in she should be more awake and ready to nurse.
Day 1 home from the hospital, and my milk still wasn't in. Harper was still a very sleepy baby. Day 2 home - no milk, a baby who slept, never cried when hungry, wouldn't stay awake longer than a few minutes to breastfeed. Day 3, Day 4, Day 5. No milk. Sleeping baby.
I finally called a lactation consultant. At our first appointment, she confirmed my worst fear. Harper had lost almost a pound, I had no milk, and I was basically starving my sweet little girl. She recommended I take supplements and pump to bring my milk in, and she assured me Harper was just small and needed to get the hang of breastfeeding. Until she was able to get enough on her own, she recommended using an SNS (picture below). While breastfeeding, the little tube is inserted into the baby's mouth, giving them the amount of milk needed without introducing bottles and causing nipple confusion. Sounds neat, huh? NO! Getting a tiny tube into an infant's mouth while breastfeeding is ridiculously difficult. Getting a good latch while using the SNS is seemingly impossible.
So, we would "breastfeed". Each day, I would pray my milk would come in, try and breastfeed, use the SNS, and pump. This process would take 2 hours to complete, leaving little time to do much, especially sleep, before the next feeding began.
After 2 weeks of pumping, my milk finally came in. However, Harper still slept all the time, never told me when she was hungry, and fell asleep instantly when I tried to breastfeed. We tried everything: stripping her down to her diaper, using a wet rag, tickling her feet, putting her in front of a fan, playing loud music - nothing would keep her awake to eat.
We used the SNS for 4 weeks. At the 4 week mark, I had slept very little, and while Harper was gaining weight like a champ and getting nothing but breast milk, I was having a nervous breakdown. I pumped around the clock, never slept, saw no improvement in Harper (this child literally never cries when hungry and sees the breast as a great place for a nap), and didn't know what to do. I cried all the time, questioned God, read way too many online forums on breastfeeding, and became a shell of my former self.
Why would I go to such lengths? I worked at a pregnancy center. I know how much better breast milk is than formula. I am all about natural birth, and breastfeeding is the most natural, beneficial food you can give your baby. My lactation consultant told me not to give up because that would be best for Harper. I had paid so much money and worked so hard to get my milk to come in. However, no one tells you your baby might not know how to, or show any interest in breastfeeding.
I got block ducts, mastitis, more blocked ducts. I am a pro at figuring out how treat these things without doctor intervention. After 4 weeks and many tears, we finally introduced Harper to the bottle. It was still breast milk, but in a bottle. She LOVED it. Without any effort, milk would just pour into her mouth - what's not to love? I cried as I gave her a bottle and just knew I was thwarting any possibility my child would have at breastfeeding.
I prayed things would change at 6 weeks. Nope. Now, at almost 10 weeks, Harper still is completely uninterested in working to retrieve milk from me. I still try every day. If I am engorged and milk just pours into her mouth, she eats really well. Otherwise, she just does not care to make the effort.
I continue to pump, pump, pump. I am so grateful Harper still has exclusively had breast milk for 2.5 months. In order to give her what she needs, I have to pump around the clock, every 3 hours. Do I have control issues? Yes. Once again, giving up control, something that has been the thorn in my side over and over, has been the most difficult thing. Now that Harper needs upwards of 4 ounces at every feeding, my pumping just can't keep up. Soon, I won't be able to provide enough milk and we'll have to introduce formula.
What bothers me about formula? I've been taught it's a "lesser" food. Babies can't digest it as well. It makes baby poop smell awful. Formula fed babies are 15 times more likely to get sick than breastfed ones.
To wrap things up:
1. I've learned that sometimes you can try everything, and some things are just not meant to be.
2. Support your friends. Professionals and friends, meaning well, have told me I'm giving up on important bonding between me and my baby. When you've tried everything, those comments just make you feel like a failure. Listen to your friends, but don't force your opinion. It can really hurt feelings.
3. My new goal is to give Harper exclusively breastmilk until the New Year, or when my supply can't keep up. After that, we'll begin introducing formula, as hard as that is for me!
4. Formula fed babies aren't destined for a life of failure. Whole generations were formula fed and are just fine. My sweet husband had formula after his own mom had trouble breastfeeding, and he's the best guy I know!
5. "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." Proverbs 16:9
Instead of obsessing about breast milk, I want the world to meet my miracle girl. She's smiling, cooing, getting rolls on her legs (a big achievement for our little one), and blows me away every day. It's time to start living, and stop sitting in front of a pump! :)
Friday, November 18, 2011
The Day Harper Grayce Was Born
I'm just now beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel, now that our Harper is almost 7 weeks old. We've spent her first weeks here trying to figure out breastfeeding, which has been the most challenging thing I have ever experienced. No kidding - more challenging than infertility, natural childbirth, all of it. I'll try and get to that in another post, but for now, I thought I'd introduce you to Harper and her birth story:
I had a ton of relaxing activities planned for my first week of maternity leave. I had been experiencing pretty strong contractions for about a week, but my doctor's appointment revealed that I wasn't even dilated. I got my hair cut the morning of October 3rd and had plans to continue my freakish nesting obsession by organizing our guest bathroom closet.
By late afternoon, my normal contractions were getting a bit more noticeable, especially in my back. They would come and go and didn't follow a particular pattern, so I figured they were just more of the same. That evening, however, they started to get more painful and regular in my back. Then, (warning - TMI) I lost my mucus plug. By late that evening, I was uncomfortable. Unfortunately, the majority of the pain was located in my back, which was NOT good. I tried taking a bath, but it didn't really help. I tried exercises we got during birthing class specifically for back labor, but again, not helpful AT ALL. The only thing that brought any relief was rocking on my exercise ball or leaning over with my elbows propped on something.
At 1am, we finally went to the hospital. As soon as I got in the hospital bed, my contractions, which had been 4-5 minutes apart, lengthened to 7-10 minutes. I was only dilated to 3 centimeters, so we made the decision to go back home. The doctor indicated I was indeed having this baby soon, but I had a lot more laboring to do first.
Back at home, contractions were intensifying. I wasn't talking much any more, and my goal was making it through the stabbing pain in my back. Harlan was timing contractions, and they seemed to be more like 3-4 minutes apart, so back to the hospital we went. Just 2 hours later, I had dilated to 7.5 centimeters and was entering the most difficult part of labor, transition.
I spent most of labor rocking on my ball or leaning over my hospital bed. I don't think I really noticed anyone around me until I started feeling the urge to push. I wanted to push NOW. The nurses told me not to push. Any woman who has been in labor will tell you, not pushing is the most horrific thing you've ever experienced. It's not something you feel you have any control over. Finally, after what seemed like hours, I was told I could finally push.
Pushing is one of the most bizarre, out of body experiences. I kept thinking, "Am I doing this right now?". I think I may have actually asked one of the nurses that very question. I told myself I didn't want to see Harper actually being born through a mirror at the end of the bed, but I ended up using one as a way to make it through each segment of pushing. I made it my goal to get this baby out!
Pushing was hard. I felt like I had just spent hours at the gym. I was covered in sweat, and I honestly thought my child would never come out. Then, she was crowning (holy cow, that burns like nobody's business), and then they were placing her on my chest. It was the most amazing, surreal, empowering moment. I will never forget the feelings of relief and overwhelming love that came flooding in.
In all, my labor was about 18 hours (18 hours of back labor - ouch), and I pushed for about 1.5. Harper was 5 pounds, 10 ounces and 19 inches long. I was SHOCKED she was so little - the doctors predicted she would be right at 7 pounds.
I have never been more in love. In love with my husband, who was the best coach a girl could ask for. He played music, massaged my back, squeezed my hand, and has been the most amazing support over these past few weeks of Harper's life. (You may notice: Harlan didn't quite get all the facial hair off. He has a lovely mustache in the pictures during labor and delivery...)
My sis acted as my doula, and I must say, she was a life-saver. She kept our families updated and has been such a great help. In fact, we both have the best families. They have made these first weeks of Harper's life much easier for me.
I love Harper in a way I didn't think possible. She's the most precious little being, and I am forever thankful God saw it fit to allow me to be her mother.
Harper's been gaining weight like a champ, after losing over a pound due to breastfeeding issues. I plan on trying to update the blog more now that I actually have a few extra minutes, so please come back and visit. I promise I'll try not to brag on my baby girl too much, but she is the sweetest thing in the whole world...
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Fu Manchu and One Week 'Til D-Day
Friday was my last day of work. I can't tell you how odd that was for me. I know there's a purpose for my leave, but since this baby girl's not here yet, it's a little hard to know what to do with myself. I'm due one week from today! Whoa!
Here's what I've done this weekend alone:
1. Reorganized the nursery - again. Pics below!
2. Created a portable changing station for the living room.
3. Cleaned out my closet and took a car-full of stuff to Salvation Army.
4. Bought organizers at the Container Store and reorganized all the pots and pans in my kitchen.
5. Cleaned the whole house from top to bottom. Harlan cleaned fans and the fireplace :)
I believe this is called nesting. It's out of control. I need help...
The Fu Manchu
Harlan's face is almost completely hairless! People we don't even know at church have made comments on the change, so we know his facial hair has made a lasting impression. Ladies and Gentlemen, meet the Fu Manchu.
39 Weeks
Back a the beginning of my pregnancy, my mom and I visited a maternity boutique. I tried on a shirt using a fake belly, and I couldn't even imagine ever getting that big. Here's a picture of me then and now at 39 weeks, and I believe I have indeed gotten bigger than that fake belly.
In other news, the baby's size is now officially being compared to a watermelon. Please sit and ponder that for a moment or two.
I Baked My Brains Out
I was able to leave on my last day of work having baked everyone their favorite dessert. You already saw the Boston Cream Pie and the Italian Cream Cake. Here are the others, in no particular order. Warning: I am so terrible with taking pictures of what I make. Several are iPhone pictures, so I apologize. I promise to do better in the future!
For Christi, Office Manager, the Black Beast:
Note: This is the most ridiculous chocolate cake I have EVER made. It has 26 ounces of chocolate in it!
For Micah, Client Services, Pecan Fudge Brownies
Note: I did not get a picture of these, sadly. They were really, really good, and I took them out of the oven a good 6 minutes before they were supposed to come out. It ensured a very fudgy brownie.
For Avery, Volunteer Coordinator, Starbucks Pumpkin Scones
Note: These are worth the extra effort with the 2 icings. Delish!
Note: These are worth the extra effort with the 2 icings. Delish!
For Pam, LifeChange Director, Pumpkin Swirl Cheesecake
Note: I accidentally picked up Pumpkin Pie Filling instead of canned pumpkin. This meant I didn't use some of the flavorings suggested, since the filling already has so much. It turned out super yummy - I was pleasantly surprised!
You would think this would mean I'm tired of baking, but I'm not! My sister and I took a cookie decorating class last week, and I learned all sorts of new techniques for icing sugar cookies. I can't wait to try them out on my own!
The Nursery
Here are a few pictures of the nursery. We've added an adorable mobile we had custom made through Etsy, and the fabulous Christi of Sleepytime Rags made a precious diaper stacker!
Relinquishing Control, Yet Again
Have you seen a theme yet? God is constantly teaching me how to let go of control of my life. He taught me that in a mighty way when we got pregnant. Now, a week from my due date, I'm left wondering when she'll make her debut. I am beyond fearful of being induced, or heaven forbid, ending up with a C-Section. I pray daily that God would allow my daughter to be brought into the world the way He intended it - free of unnecessary medical interventions.
If you read that paragraph, you know I'm still struggling. I have no control over when she comes, or how. I must trust that He will keep her healthy, and hopefully we'll get to meet her soon!
Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Friday, September 23, 2011
The Hulihee
After months with no exposure to the light of day, I can see skin on my husband's face. A chin, to be exact. Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Harlan's new facial hair, lovingly named The Hulihee. Definition: a type of beard distinguished by its fat chops connected at the mustache. In Hawaiian, Huliheʻe means “Turn and flee.”
There was some debate on whether he'd be able to keep this style for very long, but he's gotten a lot of positive feedback (mainly of the male persuasion) so he may keep it a week or so. Next up, the Fu Manchu. Come back next week for pictures!
I'm officially past full term now (almost 38 weeks), so we're anxiously awaiting any signs that she might be ready to come on out! I felt quite the flurry of activity a few nights ago, and it definitely feels like she dropped! I guess time will tell! Here's the ever growing belly:
Next week is my last week of work. When I scheduled this date, what that really meant did not register with me at all.
What I've discovered about going on maternity leave:
-I won't be working (Duh.). I can't recall a time I didn't have a job, and even though I'll be a very busy mom very soon, it's still very strange to think about.
-I will be leaving my family behind (sort of.). As I have been preparing my team for my leave, I have realized I won't be seeing their faces every day. They are like family to me. They walked through infertility, the loss of our first baby, and this pregnancy with me. I didn't realize how hard it would be!
-I won't be as directly involved with the work I'm so passionate about. While I will always love and support the work Austin LifeCare does, I won't be involved in the day to day activities anymore. That means I won't see our fabulous, servant-hearted volunteers or our courageous clients. It's very bittersweet!
So how am I coping with all these changes? I'm baking, of course!
I asked each staff member to tell me their favorite dessert, and I plan to bake them all before I leave.
First up, Karen. Karen wanted Boston Cream Pie, which was very exciting since I've never made one! I used 2 different recipes to come up with the final product.
Cake & Custard: Joy of Baking
Ganache: Food Network
The ganache recipe made WAY too much, so I ended up completely coating the pie with chocolate. I didn't mind the extra chocolate, and I don't think Karen did either. Here it is, along with a picture of Karen enjoying it.
Next up, Italian Cream Cake for my boss, Pam. I used this recipe, but honestly, Italian Cream Cake is another one I just don't have a lot of experience with. I typically gravitate toward chocolate things, but I did try a little piece of this and thought it was pretty good. What do you think?
So here's my list of things to make next week:
Dense, rich chocolate cake - This recipe's looking really promising, or maybe this one.
Pumpkin Scones - I'll be using the Starbuck's recipe
Brownies - Not sure on this one. SO many recipes to choose from.
There's a passage I love that perfectly sums up my prayer for my team at work:
"The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace." Numbers 6:24-26
We have completed the nursery, but I haven't taken any pictures! Please stop by next week to see the Fu Manchu and the room. We're ready to meet you, little girl!
There was some debate on whether he'd be able to keep this style for very long, but he's gotten a lot of positive feedback (mainly of the male persuasion) so he may keep it a week or so. Next up, the Fu Manchu. Come back next week for pictures!
I'm officially past full term now (almost 38 weeks), so we're anxiously awaiting any signs that she might be ready to come on out! I felt quite the flurry of activity a few nights ago, and it definitely feels like she dropped! I guess time will tell! Here's the ever growing belly:
Maternity Leave is Right Around the Corner
Next week is my last week of work. When I scheduled this date, what that really meant did not register with me at all.
What I've discovered about going on maternity leave:
-I won't be working (Duh.). I can't recall a time I didn't have a job, and even though I'll be a very busy mom very soon, it's still very strange to think about.
-I will be leaving my family behind (sort of.). As I have been preparing my team for my leave, I have realized I won't be seeing their faces every day. They are like family to me. They walked through infertility, the loss of our first baby, and this pregnancy with me. I didn't realize how hard it would be!
-I won't be as directly involved with the work I'm so passionate about. While I will always love and support the work Austin LifeCare does, I won't be involved in the day to day activities anymore. That means I won't see our fabulous, servant-hearted volunteers or our courageous clients. It's very bittersweet!
So how am I coping with all these changes? I'm baking, of course!
I asked each staff member to tell me their favorite dessert, and I plan to bake them all before I leave.
First up, Karen. Karen wanted Boston Cream Pie, which was very exciting since I've never made one! I used 2 different recipes to come up with the final product.
Cake & Custard: Joy of Baking
Ganache: Food Network
The ganache recipe made WAY too much, so I ended up completely coating the pie with chocolate. I didn't mind the extra chocolate, and I don't think Karen did either. Here it is, along with a picture of Karen enjoying it.
Next up, Italian Cream Cake for my boss, Pam. I used this recipe, but honestly, Italian Cream Cake is another one I just don't have a lot of experience with. I typically gravitate toward chocolate things, but I did try a little piece of this and thought it was pretty good. What do you think?
So here's my list of things to make next week:
Dense, rich chocolate cake - This recipe's looking really promising, or maybe this one.
Pumpkin Scones - I'll be using the Starbuck's recipe
Brownies - Not sure on this one. SO many recipes to choose from.
There's a passage I love that perfectly sums up my prayer for my team at work:
"The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace." Numbers 6:24-26
Nursery Update
We have completed the nursery, but I haven't taken any pictures! Please stop by next week to see the Fu Manchu and the room. We're ready to meet you, little girl!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Another Year Older, Another Week Closer
I have one year left of my 20s. My friends love to give me a hard time about this. I am, and have been terrified of turning 30 for the last 10 years. I remember turning 20 and feeling like my life was basically over. My friends couldn't believe I was even thinking about 30 when I was just barely 20...
Now, I know. There's nothing wrong with 30. I will turn 30 next year, whether I like it or not. In the meantime, I'm soaking up my 29th year and welcoming our baby girl in just a few weeks!
Belly and Beard
I am now in my 36th week of pregnancy. Harlan took my picture, and I must say, I am huge. Everywhere I go, everyone says, "You're so tiny!" The doctor says I have a "little peanut" and that she'll most likely weigh just at 7 pounds when she's born. I can't even imagine what I'd look like if I was carrying a nine pounder! Here's what my belly's been up to:
Harlan's beard has an expiration date. His birthday's coming up in a few weeks, and he's promised he's going to begin the process of shaving off his beard. He plans to try out some of these styles as he shaves it off. Get ready for lots of pictures! In the meantime, here's the beard in all its red glory:
A Break In the Heat Wave
After a record-setting number of days above 100 degrees, we got some temperatures in the 90s last week. Mornings were starting off in the 60s. It. was. glorious. However, as exciting as cooler temps were, Texas was simultaneously being ravaged by wildfires. Even as I type, the largest fire in Bastrop is only 50% contained.
I know there's got to be at least one family expecting a baby soon who have lost their home. It is so, so sad to think about the number of people who have lost their homes, possessions, memories. Please, Lord, send rain. We need it so very desperately.
Here's just one of the awful pics taken by Jay from the Austin American Statesman:
Fall is in the Air
Fall is one of my favorite times of year. I think I love it because Texas doesn't really have a Fall, per say. However, I love pumpkins, warm drinks, fires, boots, and all the other things that should come with Fall. Since Baby Elam is due as Fall begins, I know I may take a little hiatus from the Fall baking I also love. To make up for that, I've decided to start Fall baking now!
First Up - Martha's Pumpkin Swirl Brownies
I'm taking these to several neighbors who gave me thoughtful baby gifts recently. Hope they like them!
Labor is Looming
There has never been a time I have known more fully how much I need God. As labor approaches (yes, I'm still planning on an unmedicated, natural birth), I know that I absolutely cannot not do it without Him.
John 16:21 (The Message) says, "When a woman gives birth, she has a hard time, there's no getting around it. But when the baby is born, there is joy in the birth. This new life in the world wipes out memory of the pain."
How incredible is that? I have talked to so many women who say that very thing. They don't remember the pain because of the amazing joy that follows. I could not be more excited to hold my baby girl soon...
Amazing Chia-Pet style beard trimming coming up soon! You don't want to miss it!
I have one year left of my 20s. My friends love to give me a hard time about this. I am, and have been terrified of turning 30 for the last 10 years. I remember turning 20 and feeling like my life was basically over. My friends couldn't believe I was even thinking about 30 when I was just barely 20...
Now, I know. There's nothing wrong with 30. I will turn 30 next year, whether I like it or not. In the meantime, I'm soaking up my 29th year and welcoming our baby girl in just a few weeks!
Belly and Beard
I am now in my 36th week of pregnancy. Harlan took my picture, and I must say, I am huge. Everywhere I go, everyone says, "You're so tiny!" The doctor says I have a "little peanut" and that she'll most likely weigh just at 7 pounds when she's born. I can't even imagine what I'd look like if I was carrying a nine pounder! Here's what my belly's been up to:
Harlan's beard has an expiration date. His birthday's coming up in a few weeks, and he's promised he's going to begin the process of shaving off his beard. He plans to try out some of these styles as he shaves it off. Get ready for lots of pictures! In the meantime, here's the beard in all its red glory:
A Break In the Heat Wave
After a record-setting number of days above 100 degrees, we got some temperatures in the 90s last week. Mornings were starting off in the 60s. It. was. glorious. However, as exciting as cooler temps were, Texas was simultaneously being ravaged by wildfires. Even as I type, the largest fire in Bastrop is only 50% contained.
I know there's got to be at least one family expecting a baby soon who have lost their home. It is so, so sad to think about the number of people who have lost their homes, possessions, memories. Please, Lord, send rain. We need it so very desperately.
Here's just one of the awful pics taken by Jay from the Austin American Statesman:
Fall is in the Air
Fall is one of my favorite times of year. I think I love it because Texas doesn't really have a Fall, per say. However, I love pumpkins, warm drinks, fires, boots, and all the other things that should come with Fall. Since Baby Elam is due as Fall begins, I know I may take a little hiatus from the Fall baking I also love. To make up for that, I've decided to start Fall baking now!
First Up - Martha's Pumpkin Swirl Brownies
- 8 tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter, plus more for pan
- 6 ounces bittersweet chocolate, chopped
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 3/4 cups sugar
- 4 large eggs
- 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
- 1 1/4 cups solid-pack pumpkin
- 1/4 cup vegetable oil
- 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
- 1/2 cup chopped hazelnuts or other nuts
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Butter a 9-inch square baking pan or dish. Line bottom of pan with parchment paper; butter lining.
- Melt chocolate and butter in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water, stirring occasionally until smooth.
- Whisk together flour, baking powder, cayenne, and salt in a large bowl; set aside. Put sugar, eggs, and vanilla in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment; beat until fluffy and well combined, 3 to 5 minutes. Beat in flour mixture.
- Divide batter between two medium bowls (about 2 cups per bowl). Stir chocolate mixture into one bowl. In other bowl, stir in pumpkin, oil, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Transfer half of chocolate batter to prepared pan smoothing top with a rubber spatula. Top with half of pumpkin batter. Repeat to make one more chocolate layer and one more pumpkin layer. Work quickly so batters don't set.
- With a small spatula or a table knife, gently swirl the two batters to create a marbled effect. Sprinkle with nuts.
- Bake until set, 40 to 45 minutes. Let cool in pan on a wire rack. Cut into 16 squares.
Labor is Looming
There has never been a time I have known more fully how much I need God. As labor approaches (yes, I'm still planning on an unmedicated, natural birth), I know that I absolutely cannot not do it without Him.
John 16:21 (The Message) says, "When a woman gives birth, she has a hard time, there's no getting around it. But when the baby is born, there is joy in the birth. This new life in the world wipes out memory of the pain."
How incredible is that? I have talked to so many women who say that very thing. They don't remember the pain because of the amazing joy that follows. I could not be more excited to hold my baby girl soon...
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Breaking Records at 34 Weeks
It's official, Austinites. Hottest summer on record. I just wanted to say it...
If you're having a hard time taking my word for it, just read this article. Want the short version? Here's my favorite quote:
"Austin has seen 70 days in triple digit temperatures so far this year, nudging past the previous record of 69 set in 1925. With a week left in August and the rest of the year to go, we’re likely to make this record tough to beat."
34 Weeks Pregnant
This week, baby girl has graduated to the size of a cantaloupe. On some websites, there's only one fruit size left (queue Jaws music) - A WATERMELON. Please take a moment to wrap your mind around that. I've taken many moments, and I still just can't quite go there.
Thoughts at 34 weeks:
-I put on socks a whole new way. Picture me rolling on to my back with feet in the air to put on socks. Not a pretty picture, people.
-I would very much like to clean every single portion of my house from top to bottom, as well as reorganize every kitchen cabinet and closet. I lie awake thinking about it at night.
-I like Babys R Us even less than last week. Don't ask...
-My husband is joining beard clubs and watching YouTube videos about beard competitions. I'm beginning to fear he's falling in love with his beard and I may never see his face again.
-I get to celebrate my sweet friend Jonni this weekend by throwing her a shower for her baby boy or girl. Rest assured, there will be cupcakes involved. For the record, I firmly believe she's having a boy. I believe Jonni will have a house full of boys in a few years!
Coconut Pie - Fail
I have discovered that it is indeed possible to have too much coconut in a dessert. I am also disappointed to report that my pie turned out nothing like the pie I had at Z' Tejas.
I ended up using the custard recipe from I will definitely use it again - it was delicious! The pie crust from Allrecipes was also yummy. However, combined together, there was just too much coconut. A buttery pie crust would have been a much better balance with the custard I used, so I plan on trying it in the future.
I topped my pie with my own creation: Coconut Vanilla Whipped Cream. Then, I toasted coconut, sprinkled it on top, and drizzled the pie with chocolate. Think I put enough coconut in this pie? Major overkill...
Here's how it looked:
Baking with Green Chiles
It's hatch green chile season in Texas, so the grocery stores are brimming with them. Outside of Central Market last week, there was a guy roasting green chiles, so we couldn't resist picking some up. Central Market also had a great iPhone app with all sorts of ways to cook or bake with green chiles, so I'm going for it! I'm going to make...
Hatch Green Chile Cupcakes!
Some of you might think this is a little too "out there", but I just have to try it. Here's the recipe, which by the way, almost won in Central Market's contest last year:
3 cups flour |
3 cups sugar |
1 tsp salt |
1 tbsp baking soda |
1 tbsp Saigon cinnamon |
1 13.6 oz can unsweetened coconut milk |
1 8 oz can crushed pineapple, drained |
1 1/2 cups Smart Balance omega oil |
4 eggs |
2 tsp vanilla extract |
1 1/3 cup roasted Hatch chiles, peeled, seeded and diced |
Cream cheese frosting or powdered sugar |
Cooking Instructions
Preheat oven to 350. Lightly grease muffin tins or fill with paper baking cups.
Mix together dry ingredients in a small bowl; set aside. In a large bowl, mix together oil, eggs, vanilla and coconut milk. Slowly mix in dry ingredients until well combined. Fold in pineapple and chiles.
Fill cups 2/3 full. Bake for 25 minutes or until done. Remove from oven and set aside to cool. Frost with your favorite cream cheese icing or dust with powdered sugar.
Mix together dry ingredients in a small bowl; set aside. In a large bowl, mix together oil, eggs, vanilla and coconut milk. Slowly mix in dry ingredients until well combined. Fold in pineapple and chiles.
Fill cups 2/3 full. Bake for 25 minutes or until done. Remove from oven and set aside to cool. Frost with your favorite cream cheese icing or dust with powdered sugar.
I can't wait to see how they turn out! To check out all the spicy recipes, go to the Central Market website!
What I'm Learning This Week
"Trust in Him at all times, O people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us." Psalm 62:8
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Maternity Photo Shoot
We had a great time with Tanya from Cozy Impressions Photography last weekend. We went around to a bunch of spots on South Congress, one of my favorite parts of town. If you'd like to check out the pictures, go here. Check them out quickly - the slide show expires August 23rd!
Tanya will be photographing our baby girl just days after she's born, and again at 6 and 12 months. I had something like this in mind for her "on camera" outfit:
Who can resist ruffle-butt bloomers? Have mercy...
A few years ago, Harlan and I celebrated a friend's birthday at Z' Tejas. That night, I had the MOST delicious Coconut Cream Pie I've ever had. The chef doesn't make it all the time, and the recipe varies from location to location (I tried it at another one, and I was very disappointed). Ever since, I've wondered how to make it. Before trying this pie, the only coconut cream pie I had was at Luby's Cafeteria. Not high on my list of desserts to eat.
What made this pie special:
- Coconut Crust - The crust of this pie was almost chewy, cookie-like, and made completely of coconut.
- Flavor - The pie just oozed coconut flavor. Some coconut cream pies taste more like pastry cream than coconut.
- Other - You know that nameless factor some things have that you can't quite put your finger on? This pie had it!
And so, I've been on the hunt. Shame on you, recipe writers, for using store-bought pie crusts with your coconut pies. Once you've had that coconut crust, you cannot eat this pie with a store-bought crust. I've now been forced to piece together a pie that may or may not even compare to Z' Tejas. Only time will tell!
For the crust: Allrecipes has a crust recipe that sounds just like the one I had, and check out the ingredients:
1.5 cups flaked coconut
For the filling: I don't know! I can't seem to find one I'm really happy with. Here's a few I'm considering:
Emerils's Best Ever Coconut Cream Pie
Epicurious' Coconut Cream Pie
Baking Bites Coconut Cream Pie Coconut Cream Pie
I'll let you know how it turns out!
Did You Know?
*There are 53 days left until my due date. FIFTY THREE DAYS!
*The baby weighs as much as a jicama. That's 3.75 lbs, for those of you who haven't been weighing your jicamas lately. By the way, what's a jicama?
* We're already halfway through our birthing class and will be learning about stage 2 & 3 of labor this week.
* I have learned that, when in pain, breathing actually does help a lot. Now I just have to remember to do it when in labor...
*I don't like Babys R Us, and this baby's not even here yet. Their coupons really only work on maybe 2 items, and they're rarely the ones I need. There's more, but I'd have to write a novel to cover it...
Anyone else not a fan?
*My husband turns the lamp on in our baby girl's nursery every night when it gets dark. Is he not the most precious ever?
More fun, useless facts next week!
Tanya will be photographing our baby girl just days after she's born, and again at 6 and 12 months. I had something like this in mind for her "on camera" outfit:
Who can resist ruffle-butt bloomers? Have mercy...
Peanut Butter Surprises - Success!
Thank you, Martha, for yet another successful recipe. If you like Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, you'll love these cookies. A lot. I found them fairly easy to make, but as you can see, mine didn't show off the peanut butter surprise nearly as well as Martha's. I packed as much peanut butter in there as I could without it becoming a part of the chocolate. Overall, this would be a great homemade gift at Christmas or when you're in desperate need for a chocolate fix.
The Ultimate Coconut Cream Pie Dilemma
A few years ago, Harlan and I celebrated a friend's birthday at Z' Tejas. That night, I had the MOST delicious Coconut Cream Pie I've ever had. The chef doesn't make it all the time, and the recipe varies from location to location (I tried it at another one, and I was very disappointed). Ever since, I've wondered how to make it. Before trying this pie, the only coconut cream pie I had was at Luby's Cafeteria. Not high on my list of desserts to eat.
What made this pie special:
- Coconut Crust - The crust of this pie was almost chewy, cookie-like, and made completely of coconut.
- Flavor - The pie just oozed coconut flavor. Some coconut cream pies taste more like pastry cream than coconut.
- Other - You know that nameless factor some things have that you can't quite put your finger on? This pie had it!
And so, I've been on the hunt. Shame on you, recipe writers, for using store-bought pie crusts with your coconut pies. Once you've had that coconut crust, you cannot eat this pie with a store-bought crust. I've now been forced to piece together a pie that may or may not even compare to Z' Tejas. Only time will tell!
For the crust: Allrecipes has a crust recipe that sounds just like the one I had, and check out the ingredients:
1.5 cups flaked coconut
For the filling: I don't know! I can't seem to find one I'm really happy with. Here's a few I'm considering:
Emerils's Best Ever Coconut Cream Pie
Epicurious' Coconut Cream Pie
Baking Bites Coconut Cream Pie Coconut Cream Pie
I'll let you know how it turns out!
Did You Know?
*There are 53 days left until my due date. FIFTY THREE DAYS!
*The baby weighs as much as a jicama. That's 3.75 lbs, for those of you who haven't been weighing your jicamas lately. By the way, what's a jicama?
* We're already halfway through our birthing class and will be learning about stage 2 & 3 of labor this week.
* I have learned that, when in pain, breathing actually does help a lot. Now I just have to remember to do it when in labor...
*I don't like Babys R Us, and this baby's not even here yet. Their coupons really only work on maybe 2 items, and they're rarely the ones I need. There's more, but I'd have to write a novel to cover it...
Anyone else not a fan?
*My husband turns the lamp on in our baby girl's nursery every night when it gets dark. Is he not the most precious ever?
More fun, useless facts next week!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Harlan found a blog he thought fitting to share with you, given the amount of hair currently growing on his face. We had a good time reading through some of the posts on The Beardly and highly recommend browsing around if you need a good laugh. Here's one of my favorites:
And speaking of beards, it's about time you got an updated picture of Harlan's:
There have been moments the amount of hair on his face leaves me speechless....
I'm truckin' along at just about 32 weeks. I've decided not to even mention the weather in Texas anymore. There truly is no point, as I will undoubtedly spend the remainder of my pregnancy with 100+ temps every day. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, right? Here's my 32 week belly:
I'm really hoping September will bring calm, peaceful, quiet evenings and weekends where we have the opportunity to say, "I'm bored!" and actually mean it. As for August, we've had no such luck! My neighbor has some baby girl clothes for me to look through, and I haven't even had the time to get over there. I promise I'm coming soon, Amy!
So far, we've celebrated birthdays, anniversaries, enjoyed both family and friend reunions, and still have more to go! We had our 2nd shower this past weekend, and I must say, we are blown away. I think there's maybe one or two items still needed on our registry. The rest has been taken care of by the generosity of our friends and family. We are so undeserving of these amazing blessings!
I conquered yeast!
Yeast. A word that used to immediately fill me with fear. I find a recipe I want to try, see it contains yeast, and immediately move on to find something else. But no more. I have successfully baked with yeast and feel a new-found sense of freedom.
Another co-worker celebrated a birthday last week and requested cinnamon rolls. My schedule's been so busy I just didn't know how I'd be able to make them, but I was determined. I used Alton Brown's Overnight Cinnamon Rolls recipe, following the directions exactly. The reviews were really mixed, which made me so nervous! People's experiences ranged from hockey puck-like rolls to tiny ones that didn't rise. I had no backup plan, so thankfully, they turned out even better than I could have hoped.
I timed these so they'd still be hot when I brought them to work. It didn't leave much time for photos, so my apologies to all you photography buffs out there. You may also notice one is missing. You have to test things before other people eat them!
I'm still debating what to make this week. After baking banana bread for 9 shower hostesses, you can rest assured it will have nothing to do with bananas. Martha's been silently calling my name for weeks, so I'm thinking about these:
They're called Peanut Butter Surprises and they look delish. We'll see if I have time to fit them in!
Reality hits at 3am
I am beyond excited to meet my beautiful daughter. She has decided to train for the Olympics in utero, so one night I found myself awake at 3am and never did go back to sleep. We prayed for this baby girl, know she's a miracle, and are anticipating some red hair on her sweet head. However, at 3am, I was struck with the enormous weight her arrival will bring with it. A human life. I will be her mother. For the rest of my life. Whoa. Quite a bit to absorb.
I know these thoughts are normal, but they have again brought me to my knees. I know I can only be the mother she needs with lots and lots (and lots) of prayer. I had to share with you a prayer one of my shower hostesses wrote especially for my sweet girl:
Father, thank you for the child You have placed in my care. Guide me to teach her about Christian obedience. Let me be a worthy example of Your love, discipline, mercy, and grace. Help me nurture her so she becomes the person You planned.
As she grows and develops into the person You designed her to be, I pray for understanding to accept your design and for wisdom to nurture it.
And speaking of beards, it's about time you got an updated picture of Harlan's:
There have been moments the amount of hair on his face leaves me speechless....
I'm truckin' along at just about 32 weeks. I've decided not to even mention the weather in Texas anymore. There truly is no point, as I will undoubtedly spend the remainder of my pregnancy with 100+ temps every day. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, right? Here's my 32 week belly:
And the marathon continues...
I'm really hoping September will bring calm, peaceful, quiet evenings and weekends where we have the opportunity to say, "I'm bored!" and actually mean it. As for August, we've had no such luck! My neighbor has some baby girl clothes for me to look through, and I haven't even had the time to get over there. I promise I'm coming soon, Amy!
So far, we've celebrated birthdays, anniversaries, enjoyed both family and friend reunions, and still have more to go! We had our 2nd shower this past weekend, and I must say, we are blown away. I think there's maybe one or two items still needed on our registry. The rest has been taken care of by the generosity of our friends and family. We are so undeserving of these amazing blessings!
I conquered yeast!
Yeast. A word that used to immediately fill me with fear. I find a recipe I want to try, see it contains yeast, and immediately move on to find something else. But no more. I have successfully baked with yeast and feel a new-found sense of freedom.
Another co-worker celebrated a birthday last week and requested cinnamon rolls. My schedule's been so busy I just didn't know how I'd be able to make them, but I was determined. I used Alton Brown's Overnight Cinnamon Rolls recipe, following the directions exactly. The reviews were really mixed, which made me so nervous! People's experiences ranged from hockey puck-like rolls to tiny ones that didn't rise. I had no backup plan, so thankfully, they turned out even better than I could have hoped.
I timed these so they'd still be hot when I brought them to work. It didn't leave much time for photos, so my apologies to all you photography buffs out there. You may also notice one is missing. You have to test things before other people eat them!
I'm still debating what to make this week. After baking banana bread for 9 shower hostesses, you can rest assured it will have nothing to do with bananas. Martha's been silently calling my name for weeks, so I'm thinking about these:
They're called Peanut Butter Surprises and they look delish. We'll see if I have time to fit them in!
Reality hits at 3am
I am beyond excited to meet my beautiful daughter. She has decided to train for the Olympics in utero, so one night I found myself awake at 3am and never did go back to sleep. We prayed for this baby girl, know she's a miracle, and are anticipating some red hair on her sweet head. However, at 3am, I was struck with the enormous weight her arrival will bring with it. A human life. I will be her mother. For the rest of my life. Whoa. Quite a bit to absorb.
I know these thoughts are normal, but they have again brought me to my knees. I know I can only be the mother she needs with lots and lots (and lots) of prayer. I had to share with you a prayer one of my shower hostesses wrote especially for my sweet girl:
Father, thank you for the child You have placed in my care. Guide me to teach her about Christian obedience. Let me be a worthy example of Your love, discipline, mercy, and grace. Help me nurture her so she becomes the person You planned.
As she grows and develops into the person You designed her to be, I pray for understanding to accept your design and for wisdom to nurture it.
She came into this world
Innocent and small.
She needs my love,
She needs my guidance,
But most of all
She needs to know
That there's a God above
Who loves her so.
How will I teach her?
What will I tell her?
One way is sure...
I'll have to show her.
Just as parents are kind to their children, the Lord is kind to all who worship Him. (Psalm 103:13)
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